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Partnerzy Kancelaria Prawno-Finansowa


Are you a debtor? Are you threatened with insolvency and thus the bankruptcy of your company?

The risk of losing financial liquidity or completely losing the ability to repay debts is a serious signal to act. The solution to bankruptcy is a restructuring process.

A restructuring process provides tangible benefits from the outset. It is the most effective way to protect yourself from bankruptcy and foreclosure proceedings. It provides debt relief and offers bankruptcy protection so businesses can reduce their debt.

Starting operations improves the company’s financial liquidity and ensures that operations continue to run smoothly and profitability is maintained.

In summary, restructuring is an excellent strategy and rescue for companies seeking debt relief and bankruptcy protection.

Our team specializes in restructuring law and provides legal assistance, thanks to which you and your company can count on effective help.

Make an appointment.

Contact us and we will discuss your case. Thousands of customers have already trusted us. Become one of them!
tel: 576 582 694 / 516 569 300
e-mail: office@prawo-gdansk.pl

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